“The more that you read, the more things you will know.

The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”

Dr. Seuss

Thursday, May 13, 2010



  1. 1. Read your book.

    2. Record the author, title and write a small detailed summary.

    3. Write a review for other teenagers who may be interested in reading your book.

  2. I liked read amistad book, because I was interesting about what will hapen in the chapters, this is the book about the slavery story who are transported to Abahama Cuba, for the spain people, in the amistad ship, one strong man who hes name is Cinque and who can scape in that ship and help the other slavery whant to fight for freedom. this story is like interesting and the felings are like accion and suspenseory story.

  3. I like to read the Amistad book because is about the Africa mens, that can be a slavery, because the Spanish mens, capture that black mens, for can be us slavery, but that only people that is considerate salvey are who born in Cuba, and the most black mans don't born in Cuba, born in Africa, and the African people don't is slave. After some days, Cinque that is like a Lider of the black mens, succeeded break the chains, and liverty the others peoples thei stay in downstairs the Ship. Their kill the Capitan, and the others Spanish mens, except two, Ruiz and Montes, after more days, other Ship catch theirs, and put all in the Court in U.S.A.
    The Africa mens had a lawyer called Baldwin, he help us, but the president don't want that the slaves can be free, so he change the Judge of the Supreme Court. The new Judge can be theirs free, but theis need can back the Court, NOW the lawyer Lincoln, defend the supost salves, and after many sections on Court, the Judge finaly with so much proof understand theirs back mens, if from Africa, so theirs no are salve, and can be all free.
    I think this book, is good for all read because is a true story and on overcoming, determination, and proof that justice exists.

  4. I am very happy to do my comment about amistad. amistad is not a bad story but I don't like it. The reason why I don't like it is because Cinque was a slave and you know when you are slave you suffer a lot.The book made sad when was readig it.

  5. i thing abuot the books is good,but i thing i want study more english.so...i don't want to say.

  6. I like to read Amistad book,because this book is talk about the Africa men.This book is based on the film Amistad.It is an exciting story about slavery,the US law and right and wrong.It begings with the bloody fight on the ship and then moves quickly to the US courts of law.
    I think this book is good for all read,because is a ture story.

  7. Amistad is a very well crafted, well acted, and well told story. It is also mostly true to the history of events surrounding the Amistad 'mutiny', and the defense of the Africans responsible for it by John Quincy Adams and a young lawyer named Baldwin. I put the word mutiny in quotes because it is absurd to think of people fighting against murder, enslavement and rape as any form of crime. The film is unabashed about showing us the brutality and outrageousness of the covertly institutionalized slave trade that haunted one of America's darkest, most retrograde periods, and pulls no punches about the cultural differences between its victims, its culprits, and those who felt that it was not their problem.but that a great story

  8. this story talking about a man life in sierra leone.HE name is cinque

  9. the amistad

    this book it's so good because there is a true story and it's about slavery in 1893.

    in the amistad strory there is a stronge man and he is young man too he is name is cinque.

    the amistad explain all story about cinque was capture and going to the espagne afrte that he is capture too by the american.

    i will happy if i read this book a second time.

  10. I like the book AMISTAD because he fill with many suspense every chapter was awesome.But the author should call the book " THE FIGHT TO BE FREE" because the book it's about slavery

  11. I loved the history amistad, I read and really like because is a really history about Cinque he is from Africa but now he is prisioner from spanish people, he need a free man but the problem is that Cinque don't speak spanish and english. Adams help to Cinque he is important for Cinque because Adams is interesting for help Cinque

  12. the amistad book was the most surprise book that i read, and this book can explain you how slavery haved problems for are black people and show how they suffered.i felt bad when i saw that movie,:( vanessa my friend told me that she dont like that movie, i tell her that she have to think how all slavery felt bad and get probles becouse they was black vanessa cambia tu pensamiento

  13. Im so happy today to do my comment about one book i read .this book make me verry sad because he talks about the slave in Africa, how they transported the slaves .the bad things about the story the slaves doesnt speak the same languages with the people who kidnaped them

  14. I like to read the AMISTAD book .because this book talk the Cinque is a smart,courageous,no fear died slave.Heis to be free and fight,he hope Africans may isn't slave to strive.he have very poeple's help his.
    He's very luckly.

  15. im verry appy to read the amisted book

  16. The Amistad
    The amistad was story who explain the slavery in 1839.
    He is a exelent story,I will happy if I read this book a second time because I discovering so much things he is in the life afther the read ths book i smeel courageous whit evry things in my life because cinque didn't speack english and him and baldwin make the african american free in he came free to i can't forgot this story


  18. Today I am very happy to write my comment about misted. Amistad is not bad story but I don't like it because the people are slaves in the story there are a lot of people who killed Cinque doesn't speak English and it's sad the book makes me fell very bad so I didn’t enjoy the story I also didn't like the end because it took a long time for the slaves to get free

  19. I read a book named "the jacket" ,
    this book is about being prejudice ,how
    white poeple and african american were living.
    the main characters are phil (white) and daniel(african american) ,phil saw another kid(daniel) wearing his bother's jacket
    and said that he stole it,but that wasn't true ,daniel was wearing it cause his grandma give it to him and his grandma was working for phil's mom and..., beautiful story to read, love that book.

  20. I read a book called .
    This is a novel about racial prejudice. The article began to tell Andrew Clements in a white didn't then Phil saw it saw an African American Daniel in his brother's jacket, didn't, then Phil saw it that Daniel stole his brother's jacket, in fact, Daniel didn't steal. It shows different ethnic groups is the existence of a prejudice.
    This is a very good book, which tells us a lot about interpersonal method, I like this book.
